One of the most common causes of personal injury is a motor vehicle accident. We have seen an increase in rear-end collisions, intersection collisions, and even pedestrian accidents, due to the increased use of cell phones by drivers. Even though these accidents are common, experienced and effective representation is not.
An injured victim’s rights must be protected from the at-fault driver, that driver’s insurance company, your own insurance company, and possibly even your health care providers and automobile repair shop.
- What information do you have to provide?
- What information should you provide?
- Should you give a recorded statement?
- Should you sign a medical authorization?
- Should you use your health insurance for your medical treatment?
- Are you entitled to a rental car?
- Who decides if your car is totaled and how much it is worth?
- How much is a claim worth?
These are just a few of the considerations and decisions which you must make, starting almost immediately after an accident. We have represented hundreds of individual clients, for over thirty years, and have successfully dealt with almost every imaginable scenario resulting from motor vehicle collisions. We would be happy to speak with you about your case during a free initial consultation, and answer your questions to the best of our ability. Since no two people are the same, and no two cases are the same, we handle every case with the personal attention and respect you deserve. Every client and potential client meets with an attorney who will be actually handling your case.
We made the decision years ago to never advertise on television, and to never make up a slogan or nickname. New clients are typically referred by word of mouth from current satisfied clients, which is how we think it should be.
Our mission is to provide quality legal representation to our clients through the ethical practice of law. We strive to treat our clients, and all whom we encounter, with dignity, respect and equality. We provide individualized attention to every client, because we believe that communication with every client is necessary to properly represent you, and to achieve the maximum possible recovery.